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Hi there!

I'm William, a full-stack web developer with 3+ years of experience in various industries. I'm specialized in backend development and have proficiency in Laravel and JavaScript. Highly interested in technological advancements and personal development.

I also write articles for my blog on Medium. I usually write about tech, self development, and personal finance. These topics really intrigued me to be better each day.

I also like to connect with new people, so I’ll be waiting for you to hit me up!

What I do

Code, code, and code.This is what I do everyday.

Books are the best source of knowledge. It's intriguing to see how the authors are able to tell magnificent stories.

One of my favourite activity to do.I can put ideas and thoughts into my writings.

I occasionally take on freelance opportunities.

Have an exciting project where you need some help?

Send me over a message, or hit me up on social media!