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Hi there!

I'm William, a full-stack web developer with 3+ years of experience in various industries. I'm specialized in backend development and have proficiency in Laravel and JavaScript. Highly interested in technological advancements and personal development.

I also write articles for my blog on Medium. I usually write about tech, self development, and personal finance. These topics really intrigued me to be better each day.

I also like to connect with new people, so I’ll be waiting for you to hit me up!

Minimalism, Hustle Culture, where does it all goes?

November 8th, 2022


Minimalism, Hustle Culture, Where does it All Goes?

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Minimalism, Hustle Culture, Maximalism, and all the new ideologies that emerged in the last few years.

Where does it all goes now?

I’m sure you’ve heard one of these terms that I spoke earlier. (Except you are not following the news at all. Good for you then 🙌)

Lemme try to tell you what does these new terms mean.

Minimalism is an ideology that values keeping important things in your life and ditching the rest. It was popularized by The Minimalist and Marie Kondo in her “Konmari” method. (You know, the “Sparking Joy” one, yep that one 😏)

Hustle Culture as its’ name implies, a culture that pushes hard work, pushing yourself beyond your limits to achieve capitalist goals, such as wealth, prosperity, and success as fast as possible.

This was popularized by Gary Vaynerchuk or as known as GaryVee, an entrepreneur, social media influencer, and also a writer.

GaryVee is a hardcore hustler that likes to work a lot of hours. He has several businesses, and multiple social media platforms, which he published contents daily.

If you have someone that screaming “HUSTLE! HUSTLE! HUSTLE!”, that’s probably GaryVee is coming for you. (I’m joking okay)

And then the Maximalism, it’s the opposite of Minimalism, an ideology that sees beauty of excess in life. This came from the reaction of the bunch of Minimalism contents out there.

Phew, I’ve covered the quick background of each term.

The question is,

Where does it all goes?

Not only Minimalism, Hustle Culture, Maximalism, but also all the new terms that are popping out of nowhere these few years back.

First of all, there’s nothing wrong on sticking with the philosophy if it’s applicable in your life and it’s working. The annoying part is, people like to force their choice of philosophy to other person.

Second of all, it’s okay to not following each new trends that’s popularized by influencers.

You do you.

The reason that these trends has come to an end, it’s because people are realizing that it’s just a “trend”, and it’s not for them. People are moving on to the next shiny thing.

So, the new trends will keep popping out, that’s for sure.

It’s the matter of you, the one that decides is this suitable for you.

I think different person has a different way of living too.

One thing that I like to highlight is,

Everybody needs to keep improving their own life. That would be a great foundation to achieve a better life.

P.S I’m back!

It’s been quite a long time since I write an article. I’m quite busy with my college (Hurray, it’s done!) and work.

Hope you guys are doing well over there as well!

Please leave a clap if it resonates with you 😊.

Thanks a lot for taking the time reading this.

Have a great day!