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Hi there!

I'm William, a full-stack web developer with 3+ years of experience in various industries. I'm specialized in backend development and have proficiency in Laravel and JavaScript. Highly interested in technological advancements and personal development.

I also write articles for my blog on Medium. I usually write about tech, self development, and personal finance. These topics really intrigued me to be better each day.

I also like to connect with new people, so I’ll be waiting for you to hit me up!

How Minimalism can help you live a Better Life

January 23rd, 2020


How Minimalism Can Save Your Time

Minimalism is kinda trendy nowadays. But what is minimalism?

Minimalism is essentially living with less, which means you own fewer items. But that doesn’t mean the fewer items you have, you became the most “minimalist” person on earth.

You only possess items that give values to your life, so that doesn’t mean if you like to play guitar but because of this so-called minimalism, you started to ditch the guitar too. (This is wrong!)

That’s why minimalism consists of two parts.

  1. Decluttering
  2. Organizing

Let’s talk about decluttering.

Cluttered space will create a cluttered mind. So, start by decluttering things you don’t use anymore.

Like what Marie Kondo said, don’t keep things that do not spark joy in you.

This also applies to the digital world.
Delete your unused apps.
Turn off your notifications.
Keep your digital workspace clean and minimal.

Then Organizing.

After you decluttered your items, then you start by organizing them by categories, like books, clothes, etc.. (or you have your own organizing techniques, it’s up to you)

If you followed these steps,
Tada… you will have much cleaner and minimal space to live in.

Take in what you cherish, leave out the unneeded.