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Hi there!

I'm William, a full-stack web developer with 3+ years of experience in various industries. I'm specialized in backend development and have proficiency in Laravel and JavaScript. Highly interested in technological advancements and personal development.

I also write articles for my blog on Medium. I usually write about tech, self development, and personal finance. These topics really intrigued me to be better each day.

I also like to connect with new people, so I’ll be waiting for you to hit me up!

4 Steps To Cut Down Your Screen Time To 2 Hours

February 7th, 2020

Duh, I don’t have enough time. I wished we have 48 hours a day.

No, no we can’t change how many hours does a day has. We can only manage our time nicely and efficiently.

Did you know? The average person spends about 4 hours a day on their phone.

WHAT? Our phone has been a necessity in our life now. We take it everywhere. We use it to text, call somebody, buy food, keep notes, or even maps.

The phone has been evolved from just texting and calling devices to multifunctional devices that we use today.

Yep, but the most time consumed things on our phone is

*let the drums roll*

Social Media

Yep, let it on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube or you say it.

I used to be like that too.

I have this app called Digital Wellbeing on my phone (It’s kind of like ScreenTime on iPhone).

It tracks how many hours you spent on your phone.

When I opened that app, Boom! 6–7 hours average daily.

It’s mindblowing right? But it is what it is.

So I thought of fixing this habit.

I like to watch YouTube videos.

When I eat, I watch YouTube.
When I’m bored, I watch YouTube.
When I’m learning, I watch YouTube.

See, that is where I spent my 6–7 hours on.

So yeah, I saw a video that talks about Digital Minimalism.

A few minutes into the video, I think this is interesting.
And I said to myself, “Well, It doesn’t hurt to try it anyway”.

So I did it.

So this is what I’ve learned
Here it is:

First step.
Delete Your Social Media.

You’re crazy. You must be calling me that now.
Chill, chill.

What I meant by that is you delete your social media apps that you think takes too much of your time but don’t give much value to you.

But if you get values on those social media apps, then go ahead and use them. (Like if you make money from there).

BUT If you use those apps and you only waste your time there, then delete it. Delete your Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and even YouTube.
(You only can disable your YouTube app though, well it does the same thing so yeah).

The hardest app for me to delete is YouTube. It takes me a lot of will to delete it. (You saw how often I used YouTube earlier, so you can understand right? or maybe not.)

You deleted all those apps. Then what?

Second Step.
Put your essential apps on your home screen. So you can use them more easily.

(Reduce the friction, you know)

If you are a writer, maybe keep your note-taking app in the front.
If you like to travel around, maybe you need your maps app.

You can decide that for yourself. ;)

Third Step
If you can’t control your playing time when playing games. Delete them.

You’re crazy.

Did you call me crazy twice already?

Man, if you like to play games but you can’t control your playtime. Then your phone usage time will stay the same.

But, but, if you are confident that you can control yourself then it’s up to you to delete it or not.

Last Step
Last but not least, Turn Off Your Phone Notification
If it’s not relevant to you to be reached quickly, then turn it off.

Notification can be so distracting at times.


So yeah, that’s it. Steps to becoming more productive!
(Well, if you reduce your phone usage time and then you just stare into the blank space, I don’t think you can call that productive though..)

I applied these steps on my phone. And you know what, I reduced my phone usage time from 6 hours daily to only 2 hours daily.

I’m still trying to not on my phone so much though. But I think It’s good enough already.

Keep your phone down when you are socializing.